Hi, Donald. I appreciate your response. I will answer in a few parts. I have several versions of this piece, different lengths, etc. I decided to be short. I expected to explain more in the comments. And I provide extended versions for my patrons. I understand it’s uncomfortable or whatever word fits best. Can I be honest? It was uncomfortable for me! I often write as if I am reaching a conclusion, as if I’m rendering a verdict. I spent weeks thinking about this piece. It’s the product of at least four books and multiple sites. And I was challenged by the words. I try very hard not to stand on my words alone. I hope it’s enough to make people think. I decided to stick to the point rather than try to be practical. The example of billionaires is a current one that should help people to understand that “abolish” doesn’t mean kill. I think someone said billionaires are a policy failure. Whiteness, being white, is a policy too. People don’t have much choice. It’s an imposition, it’s a political category of power. The appropriate response for people in that category is to end it politically. To support policies that end the state of being white. The billionaire example also speaks to people who feel like they’ve earned everything themselves, they are self-made, and they contribute the most, etc. The monopoly reference speaks to antitrust and cartels and how whiteness functions. The piece is short but there’s a lot inside the words.