Hi, LaVonne. I will confess to you that this was a quick post for me without as much consideration and discussion as I normally try to give my pieces. I think it hit me out of frustration at having to listen to the president, in 2019, praise Robert E. Lee and call white supremacists in Charlottesville some type of historians. My core doesn’t like the fact that I have to endure a racist president. And to your point, the core of his campaign, the core of his presidency, and the core of his voters is racism. Impeaching him on that basis would attack and address them all. It may even serve as a rebuke to future candidates who try to be Trump. Maybe it would force Democrats to reckon with their own racism. Perhaps also with this piece, I am saying — if you impeach him, include this too. Any impeachment for Trump should differ from the others for obvious reasons. I have no expectation Democrats will impeach him for racism. But that is also part of this piece because that itself is a statement. Thanks for your comment!