Hi, Robert, that matches what I read in the book How Not to Be Stupid about Race by Dr. Crystal Freeman. She says one survival need of white supremacy is a hope that doesn’t challenge the status quo. It needs a hope that believes we live our ideals and our societies are colorblind. At the same time, we know white supremacy uses fear too. People say prejudice is about fear. I notice how Trump uses hope and fear. I notice how hate groups use hope and fear. When I read your piece, I was working on a draft about white supremacy and hope, and the quote clicked with me. Now I am curious about Stoicism as a response to white supremacy mostly for dominant groups because pollsters say dominant groups are anxious about cultural and demographic changes. I haven’t thought as much about how marginalized groups can utilize these responses but, as I learn more, I will make connections. I found a subreddit but not much info. Let me know your thoughts, and if you are aware of any resources.