Hi, Sherry! I did way too much thinking about this piece. Weeks. Numerous revisions. Different lengths. Several books. That was the problem. LOL. I no longer felt the need to explain much. I had a section that was practical but cut it to hit the point. I am angry. I’m also optimistic about humanity. Domination is an issue. I’ve read a few times that domination requires state power to continue. Can humanity exist without domination? Maybe with less domination? Some cultures, ethnic groups, communities, had less domination than we have now and they also celebrated those we marginalize today. Maybe we can’t bottle that genie again? Maybe it will take more time? Little by little? I’m sticking with Toni Morrison who said racism will be gone when it’s no longer profitable and no longer psychologically useful. I’m working on the second part! Thanks for reading, thanks for commenting, and thanks for checking in with me.