I want reparations now. I think every nation responsible should pay. That’s first and foremost in my mind. After that, I don’t have good thoughts about nations. I have thoughts about collapse and ending nations as we know them. The concept of race and racism comes out of nations and the modern period. State power is a form of domination. In general, whatever whites made, thinking they were superior and white, needs to go in the trash bin, and that includes nations. I think this is one reason Black political leaders aren’t enough to change local government. The system is still white. Even in Black hands, white tools are no good. White tools will never work for Black people. I know that must sound crazy, but some theorists believe we can never be free in this world because the entire world thrives off of Black oppression. Black liberation means the white world has to come to an end. So, for me, if there is to be a new place and space for Black people, it should be completely different from the way we think of nations today. A nation for us may expose us to greater oppression from the US and other countries because we would be foreigners officially. I think the major problem is whiteness and white systems, and that is a global problem. Whiteness has to go because that injustice threatens the world, and a separate nation wouldn’t be far enough away from whiteness.