Let me show you how you’re wasting time here. One, the piece says intent doesn’t trump impact. And again, I didn’t get in her face. I didn’t put my hands on her. I didn’t curse her. You even questioning my response is ridiculous. I literally said I can’t hear the naked N-word and left it that. Again, I didn’t curse her or put my hands on her. I didn’t stand up from the table and hit the wall. Perhaps you are trying to make a larger point beyond this piece? Okay. I understand that. Here’s my counter — you don’t know how someone else is modifying their behavior for your sake. Does that make sense? Some could feel what you said on a level 10 and respond to you at 5. What you may think is a 10, may be a 5 for me. So, if someone says the wrong thing to me and it doesn’t turn physical, then they shouldn’t have an issue.