Now is a good time for me to admit I hate the NFL. I used to play when I was younger, my number was 22. I even suffered a concussion and went to the hospital. As a child, I loved football but now I’m ashamed and I hate the NFL.
Why do I hate the NFL? Okay, let me count the ways:
The team names are racist.
It’s sexist and homophobic.
Its every aim is capitalism.
It’s driven by an elite group of white male owners.
It grossly overpays and overplays its players.
It’s even dangerous to the players’ lives which creates more issues in society.
The NFL is the worst of us. The worst of the United States totally. The NFL is a big super bowl of bullshit.
And yet, football continues because the football fans compartmentalize the issues at play in the NFL.
And now, the NFL has rolled out a policy to force players to stand for the national anthem or face fines.
Make no mistake, this happened because of the fans. Why don’t the fans see these protests as legitimate?
NFL fans and its owners are largely white men who watch mostly Black men duke it out on a field.
So now, the NFL has made itself a puppet master by forcing the players to stand for the national anthem. Long gone is the freedom of speech for the players.
From the start, the players caught hell for their protests. The fans and Trump threw insults at the players for an expression that should be a right.
And why is it that the White House won’t stand up to police brutality but decided to put down and push down the players on their knees?
Here’s why — they are racists who don’t care about the issues affecting Black lives.
Ditto that for most of America.
The football fans and the NFL want no reminders of racism. That is, except for the ones they wear but refuse to see.
This NFL rule is another way white America doesn’t allow Black people or our issues in the political process which includes protests.
The NFL didn’t even consult the players' association with this decision which exemplifies how we rule and roll.
This national anthem rule shuts off a spotlight on racial injustices. And oh, how America loves to resist and penalize any critique of its racism.
But I say, confront white America with its racism everywhere, all the time.
Only white supremacy would force people to stand in silence while it sings a sweet-and-sour song of liberty.
So, the NFL is offsides, foul, and out of bounds with this rule.
But get this — even if you disagree with me on this issue, that’s fine.
Just tell me why the NFL hasn’t dealt with its other issues?
With $14 billion in revenue, there are no excuses for the NFL.
But there is a source for these problems — it’s the US, it’s us, we the people!
There are many injustices we should not stand for in this country.
The national anthem and the NFL are not sacred cows.
The NFL is an American way of life that must change and become better.
Like everything else, it will change — when we change it — and when we change.
But, since the NFL is the worst of us that we love, I don’t expect that to happen soon.
Okay, fine, whatever, I’m over it now.
I’ll end this protest by PSA about posture right away.
But, before I get up, can we order the cops to stand-down?
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