I’m antiracist against white people. “Race” is a form of colonization. “Race” is not who people are, “race” is what is done to people. “Race" is defined by and controlled by the state. Race is a badge, a status, a “skin-uniform.” James Baldwin said, there are no white people. He’s right. There are no people who can claim any purity based on ancestry, geography, bloodline, etc. I believe in the Out of Africa theory. I saw the pictures of Cheddar Man. Race is a political category, like citizenship. It has a political purpose. White is political. It’s not neutral. It’s not innocuous. So, I’m about abolishing and ending the political power in whiteness, which includes white identity. That’s ending racism, it’s ending privilege, it’s ending disparities, it’s ending hierarchy. If that seems racist, that’s because white is racist. Racists usually don’t believe you can end race (white) and keep the people (humanity).