Oh, yes! I found the site for the first time, I think, in January. I linked it in the word “race traitor” in my piece about “Redefining White and AntiWhite.” I’m still thinking about Ignatiev’s point to abolish the white race. I prefer these somewhat older books and scholars that no one seems to pay attention to these days. I feel like I have to start at the beginning of the conversations on this subject. And thank you so much for the advice! The history is dense and difficult, and it’s easy to get discouraged and want to give up on these works. Especially in a time when people just want a summary and the main points/takeaways/applications. But I am almost done reading them the first time. I have plenty of notes and additional ideas, but as you suggest I will read them again, and do my own research. Thanks for this comment! I’ve bookmarked several of your pieces and I look forward to digging in!