That link is laughable. Really? Let’s deal with the Republican Party first. Have you read any viewpoint surveys on race and racism by political party? Exit polling responses on race and racism? Are you familiar with the history of Republican leaders deciding to become the white man’s party? Are you familiar with voter suppression by the Republican Party? Are you aware of Republican support for Confederate monuments and holidays? Now, with white people in general, have you read viewpoint surveys on race and racism of white people by age? Have you ever been on the website call Pew Research Center? Let me be more clear, overall white people are racist. North, South, East, West, Democrat, Republican, Independent, Protestant, Catholic, Mormon— white people are racist. Again, see a poll or an exit survey or check out white opposition to reparations. Most white people are racist. With that, the only redeeming parts and aspects of this democracy and the Democratic Party are the opposite of white people. Black people, people of color, and marginalized people are the redeemers. We made this democracy a democracy. White people were all about a democracy for property owning white men. Pathetic!