The colorblind, race-neutral/neutered, “all humanity” responses to whiteness, read like whitewashing, white innocence, and minimizing. It’s a power move only whiteness can make. It reads like, “All Lives Matter.” I point you to the article, “America’s Problem Isn’t Tribalism, It’s Racism.” I want to be clear about my view: Whiteness, white identity, is uniquely problematic. It positions itself, by its definition of purity, as inhumane — not human, not humanity. Tribalism is one thing, but whiteness is another. Semantics are strategy. Where you say, “whites have to learn to share power,” I say, “whites have to learn how to stop being white.” I say, whites have to learn how to give up whiteness. I say, whites have to learn to reject the racialization of the country. I say, whites have to learn to reject the lie of being white. I say, whites have to have contempt for the imposition of whiteness, yes, contempt for being white itself, as if it is a form of bondage and colonization. My basis for those statements is James Baldwin saying, “There are no white people” in his essay, “On Being White And Other Lies,” it’s Ian Haney-López saying in his book “White By Law”, that “the goal of white-race consciousness should be the disassembly of whiteness,” it’s Tressie McMillan Cottom writing in her book “Thick,” that “the goal of antiracist work is to end whiteness.” Let’s end whiteness, then talk about tribalism. There’s no way forward with whiteness. There’s no way around whiteness. Must deal with and end whiteness.