This is basic. It’s not genes. We got that covered by biology. Sociology has it covered too. Social construct means people are involved. 😂. Did I not write that she can make a personal choice but if the social doesn’t accept it, then it won’t work? Did you read? 😂. “Dolezal can choose to be Black in her mind. That is a choice she can make, state, and fake. But, she will stand alone if the “social” in the construct doesn’t accept her. We make social constructs by self-identification and social consensus. And, at best, Dolezal only has half of the equation and solution.” I bet you thought your response made sense. If you were just bored and wanted to say hi and get a response, I understand…but there’s no need to type nonsense. And you spelled her name incorrectly! At least, that’s not how she spells it!