1 min readDec 9, 2019


This seems to be the core of your argument. On what basis do you say that you don’t believe white can be used synonymously with supremacist? Hasn’t that been the history of the word white? Is that not the way white is constructed? Is that not the way white functions? Is that not the way white looks in quality of life measures and disparities? Isn’t that the intention and meaning of white? What has white meant as a race? Isn’t white a claim to purity, no mixture, and a denial? And isn’t purity supreme and supremely valued? Can white be white if it is not supreme? And does that not-supreme whiteness exist now? Also, please visit or Merriam Webster and look up the word “white.” Scroll down and let me know if you see the word “reactionary” too. These are just thought questions. I haven’t even started to quote people and review history. 😂. Have a good day!



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