2 min readAug 20, 2020


You are being a lot of things and logical isn’t one of them. I’ve given you plenty to read. Have you read any of them? I’ve concluded that you have nothing to add because you can’t cite a single source, quote, or fact that refutes my point that whiteness requires borders. You also failed to cite any logical fallacies in the piece. You made claims, but you didn’t cite a single one. The one thing you cited was the implication that whites create borders and we have to get rid of whites. That wasn’t a logical fallacy, that was your ignorance and your inability to retain information. 😂😂. Now you want to make points about logic and arguments… To be fair, your first message made some shallow points without specifics, which made me think you were lost. I see you are several things. 😂😂. Too many things…I could take you seriously if you could prove any of my points wrong in the piece with a source, but you can’t. I could take you seriously if you had read several of my pieces, but you haven’t. As I mentioned, I have over 200 pieces on Medium about race. You just said you’re not a member here. Does that mean this is the first and only piece from me you’ve read? You are making a global statement about me after reading one piece from a long time ago. And you think you have points to make about logic and arguments? 😂. 🙄. You haven’t even proven that you read and understood this piece! I had to cut-and-paste sentences from the piece back to you like spoon-feeding a baby. How can you critique what you clearly don’t understand? This is a distraction because you don’t want to deal with whiteness. This is your attempt to soothe yourself psychologically because you don’t want to deal with whiteness. How long have you been on Medium? I reviewed your claps and responses on Medium. Of all the pieces on Medium, this is the one piece you found to make your logic and argument claims? Okay…Why is that? I continue to believe that you have some attachment to whiteness and got offended by seeing whiteness this way. All this energy could be better used to educate yourself on the subject of race. (Again, you haven’t cited a single source). Based on my personality type, which is in “The Analyst” category, I cannot engage with people who don’t have facts and sources. I’m not wired that way. Look up “The Architect” personality type. There is quite literally nothing you can say to me, if it only comes from your head alone. Who are you to think you can offer me what’s in your head alone and that would be enough? It’s laughable, especially on this subject. So, you can keep responding, but you are wasting your time unless you bring something besides what you think is in your head. I will continue to reply with the same responses because I won’t let you shit here. I will flush it.



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