You aren’t getting anywhere with me. Trolls write me all day, every day. It’s nothing new. I really suggest you read the books I mentioned and then come back. Pick one of them and dive in. There you will find all the sources cited. I will not do the work for you. You do not set the rules of engagement here. I don’t have to cite sources as if you can’t search for yourself or don’t know how to use a search engine. I won’t discuss topics as if there is no body of information in the world and you are clueless at step one. If you lack information, go find it. So far, not a single point you’ve tried to make has made any impact. If you had, I would say so. You can’t win any argument with the idea that white America isn’t racist, that Trump voters didn’t vote for racism, that Trump isn’t a racist, that Republicans aren’t suppressing votes. Those are basics! I am way beyond those basics.