2 min readDec 6, 2019


Your response seems to have a few personal remarks at the end. Let’s be objective rather than personal. The article I cited includes the question to Graham. Also, I believe Graham was at a rally in South Carolina and said nothing has happened to him. So, this is not new. It is clearly a question, a question that has been asked and answered, which is my point. On race in general, race is a form and function of colonization. It is a way to organize people, oppress people, exploit people, exploit resources and distribute resources. That hasn’t changed. Race really comes out of the modern period and the creation of nation-states. Again, the functions haven’t changed. That’s why we can see race everywhere. That’s how it was made and that’s how it works by design. Now, as far as Obama — changing the color doesn’t change the subject. See these words from Dr. Tressie McMillan Cottom, a sociologist, in her essay, “Know Your Whites”: “And so the paradox of how we could elect Obama and Trump is not in how black Obama is or is not. It is, instead, in how white he is (or, is not).” Black people have diverse views on Obama, throwing him out there doesn’t change the white subject. The Obama card is no trump card, and some believe Obama and Trump are two sides of the same card. Based on history and the invention of whiteness, there’s no question Graham is reacting white. He reflects whiteness. That doesn’t mean he’s the only one. This also doesn’t mean this is the only explanation on Graham, but it is one.



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