1 min readJul 26, 2019


You’re a faceless troll. I see your responses. And you won’t see any more of my posts because you’ve used up your allotment of troll postings with me. Whiteness is an ideology and a political identity. That fact comes from the nature of how whiteness was made and from James Baldwin. Whiteness is not a description of skin color as much as it is a category that marks privilege and oppression by skin color. As an ideology, whiteness doesn’t require many white people, or white people at all. Have you heard of Diamond and Silk? Ben Carson? Clarence Thomas? Armstrong Williams? Dinesh? Skin bleaching? Colorism? I can’t list them all. The goal of antiracist work is to end whiteness — as an ideology and a political identity. That’s coming from many theorists, activists, and sociologists to include Dr. Tressie McMillan Cottom. If you want to know how that’s done, see the entire platform for the Movement for Black Lives. I’d add that a new constitution, ending the electoral college, and an overhaul to the Senate are also key. Finally, concerning Black and Brown countries, only a white supremacist would fail to mention colonialism and US/Western policies from white people and white institutions. So, there’s that. I hope you enjoyed your last read from me under this account! You are dismissed and banished.



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